Friday, September 28, 2012

Shaw and DC Open Houses for 9/29 - 9/30

Thinking about Buying or Selling?  Call me: (202) 441-1757 |

Open Houses in Shaw for 9/29 - 9/30  

Below is the link for all D.C. Open Houses 


Open Houses, Grouped by Neighborhood for all of D.C.

Thinking about Buying or Selling in D.C., VA, or MD?  

Call me: (202) 441-1757 |

Also, call me for questions about these properties, or advice about the home-buying process.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Shaw Realtor Interviews Shaw's Tavern

As a Real Estate Agent in D.C., VA, and MD, in addition to selling houses and helping people find their home, I feel it is my responsibility to connect to the area in which I specialize:  the neighborhood of Shaw, 20001.  In this interview, I speak with Rob Heim, General Manager of the highly acclaimed restaurant Shaw’s Tavern (Located on 520 Florida Avenue NW). 

Kevin:  Rob, Thanks for meeting me here today.

Rob:  Kevin, it’s my pleasure.

Kevin:  How about a little bit about yourself and how you found the position as General Manager at Shaw’s Tavern.

Rob:  Well I grew up here so D.C. is my home.  I’ve been in restaurants in D.C. for over 10 years, including the Dubliner in Capitol Hill and Leopold’s in Georgetown.  I arrived in Shaw’s Tavern in May 2012.  

Kevin:  Shaw’s Tavern was closed temporarily last Fall/Winter, correct?

Rob:  Yes.  Under different ownership the restaurant attempted to open up a year ago, yet there was some issue obtaining a liquor license.  They were open for breakfast and lunch and waited for a liquor license that came later than they wanted.  The chef at the time left and they closed.

Kevin:  So when did Shaw’s Tavern reopen?
Rob:  The Tavern reopened after New Year’s Eve, acquiring its liquor license in April.  Now things are rolling.

Kevin:  What’s the concept behind the restaurant?

Rob:  Well, a little history about our name – Robert Gould Shaw (October 10, 1837 – July 18, 1863) was an American officer in the Union Army during the Civil War. As colonel, he commanded the all-black 54 Regiment, which entered the war in 1863. He was killed in the Second Battle of Fort Wagner, near Charleston, South Carolina.  Aside from the derivation of our name, our goal is to establish a real-feel tavern in Shaw.  We also want to surprise our community with great dishes.  We want to bring people in for a beer and wine and have them be surprised how excellent the food is. 

Kevin:  Who is the chef?

Rob:  Chef’s name is Joel Hatton.  He brings the south with him—being from North Carolina.  Lots of Southern inspired dishes.  I followed Joel from Café Leopold.  He has a very clean palate and emphasizes that everything should be on his plate for a reason. 

Kevin:  Is he switching things up going into the Fall?

Rob:  Yep, we were just chatting about that actually.  Right now our summer dishes—watermelon salad; black-eyed pea salad; pig chop; smoked meats—are transitioning into a Fall menu, so our menu is turning with the season!

Kevin:  And you have a different special every night?

Rob:  Yep!  We are trying to bring in the dinner crowd—emphasize the food.  In order to do that we have something going on every night of the week at the Tavern:

Monday: Trivia with prizes.
Tuesday:  Show movies starting at 10PM.
Wednesday:  Live piano bar (similar to karaoke)
Thursday:  Live Jazz
Friday:  Grill on the patio.

Kevin:  What makes Shaw’s Tavern what it is?

Rob:  We have been trying to develop our personality to service our regulars.  When we opened people were really excited.  Before this it was two different stores:  a record store and liquor store (if my memory serves me correctly).  When we moved in, so many people came by, and when they did, we listened to the people and their stories.  So we want our regulars to feel at home while cultivating an after-dinner/weekend crowd too.

Kevin:  How many can you seat?

Rob:  65 inside and 50 on the patio.  We are working on a second floor room to accommodate Friday nights and eventually a rooftop deck.

Kevin:  Similar to 1905?

Rob:  Oh yeah, their deck is incredible.  They did an awesome job with that.

Kevin:  What do you want to say about Shaw?

Rob:  Well, I live over in Adams Morgan—and have for some time—and Shaw is cool because when I ride my bike over from my house to the Tavern I make the transition from city to neighborhood.  Last week Shaw Main Streets was doing a neighborhood cleanup and there were like 50, 60 people picking up trash.  That’s amazing.  I like the feeling of a neighborhood.  It’s refreshing. 

Kevin:  Rob I really appreciate your time.

Rob:  Thanks, Kevin.  Anytime.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Shaw: Available Properties as of 9/24/2012

"Shaw Monday Round-Up"

Click here to view the properties currently available in Shaw.

If you have questions about the properties, e-mail me at

Thinking about Buying/Selling?  CALL 202-441-1757

Friday, September 21, 2012

Shaw and DC Open Houses for 9/22 - 9/23

Thinking about Buying or Selling?  Call me: (202) 441-1757 |

Open Houses in Shaw for 9/22 - 9/23  

Below is the link for all D.C. Open Houses 


Open Houses, Grouped by Neighborhood for all of D.C.

Thinking about Buying or Selling in D.C., VA, or MD?  

Call me: (202) 441-1757 |

Also, call me for questions about these properties, or advice about the home-buying process.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Shaw and DC Open Houses for 9/15 - 9/16

Open Houses in Shaw for 9/15 - 9/16  

Thinking about Buying or Selling in Shaw?  Call me: (202) 441-1757 |

Below is the link for all D.C. Open Houses 


Open Houses, Grouped by Neighborhood for all of D.C.

Thinking about Buying or Selling in D.C., VA, or MD?  
Call me: (202) 441-1757 |

Also, call me for questions about these properties, or advice about the home-buying process.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

August 2012 Analysis: DC Metro Area

RealEstate Business Intelligence (RBI) recently posted their article, ""Signs of Strength Continue Deep into Summer in DC Metro Housing Market""   Here is the analysis:

Headline from Report:  Sales reach their highest August-level in three years, and new contracts reach their highest August-level in seven years.  List and Close Prices continue climbing for their seventh straight month, and reach the highest August-level in five years.  The condo market remains in the lead, with double digit growth in both sales and new contracts from last year (continuing to outpace the growth of townhouses and detached homes).  The Month over Month (MoM) statistics exhibit decreases from July simply due to the historical pattern that "median prices tend to decrease between July and August, falling eight of the last 10 years" (RBI Intel). 

What Should Sellers Do?  Take advantage of the lowest inventory in seven years.  If you are in a position where you can sell, it is a Seller's market with Buyer's aggressively competing for the few homes out there.

What Should Buyers Do?  Beggars can't be choosers in this market.  At the end of August there were 9,191 active listings in the Washington DC Metro area, 35.8% below this time last year, and the lowest August-level since 2004.  Only 4,769 new listings were entered in August, the lowest August level since 1997.  If you are looking, it is best not to pass up something you like. 

Thinking about Buying or Selling?  CALL (202) 441-1757.

(The "DC Metro" area comprises Washington D.C., Montgomery County and Prince George's County, MD, and Alexandria City, Arlington County, Fairfax City and County, and Falls Church, VA)

(Information Soured from RBI Intel)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Open House Schedule 9/9/2012

In this link are the Open Houses in Shaw for 9/9/2012  Below is the link for all D.C. Open Houses (below).  If you are thinking about Buying or Selling, Call (202) 441-1757


Here is a link for all of the Open Houses in D.C. this weekend (alphabetically grouped by neighborhood):  Open Houses, Grouped by Neighborhood for D.C.

CALL 202.441.1757 for questions about these properties, or advice about the home-buying process.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Shaw Analysis: Condos in August

Shaw continues to climb its housing values as expected.  In the month of August, a month in real estate usually trending slower growth than others, Shaw's condo values defied such trends.  Below are the stats and analysis proving the strength of the Shaw condo market.  The are separated, by color, into 1 BD, 2 BD, and 3 BD, highlighting the month of August in 2012, 2011, and 2007.  If you, or anyone you know, is thinking about Buying or Selling a property, call (202) 441-1757.  Thank you.  

(Statistics sourced from the Metropolitan Regional Information Systems, Inc.)

August 2012 - 1 BD Condo
Avg. Stats
List Price
Close Price
% b/w Close and List
Days on Market
# of Sales

August 2011 - 1 BD Condo
Avg. Stats
List Price
Close Price
% b/w Close and List
Days on Market
# of Sales

August 2007 - 1 BD Condo
Avg. Stats
List Price
Close Price
% b/w Close and List
Days on Market
# of Sales
If you have any questions regarding the statistics, CALL (202) 441-1757. 

August 2012 - 2 BD Condo
Avg. Stats
List Price
Close Price
% b/w Close and List
Days on Market
# of Sales

August 2011 - 2 BD Condo
Avg. Stats
List Price
Close Price
% b/w Close and List
Days on Market
# of Sales

August 2007 - 2 BD Condo
Avg. Stats
List Price
Close Price
% b/w Close and List
Days on Market
# of Sales
If you have any questions regarding the statistics, CALL (202) 441-1757. 

August 2012 - 3 BD Condo
Avg. Stats
List Price
Close Price
% b/w Close and List
Days on Market
# of Sales

August 2011 - 3 BD Condo
Avg. Stats
List Price
Close Price
% b/w Close and List
Days on Market
# of Sales

August 2007 - 3 BD Condo
Avg. Stats
List Price
Close Price
% b/w Close and List
Days on Market
# of Sales