As a Real Estate Agent in D.C., VA, and MD, in addition to selling houses and helping people find their home, I feel it is my duty to connect to the neighborhood around me. In this interview, I speak with Alex Padro, Chair of
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2C and the Single Member District Commissioner
representing 2C01 since January of 2001.
Kevin: Alex, I
appreciate you being able to meet with me with your busy, busy schedule.
Alex: No
problem. It’s a pleasure.
Kevin: How about we
start with a little bit about your professional role in Shaw, and how you got
Alex: I am the Chair of
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2C and the Single Member District Commissioner
representing 2C01 since January of 2001.
I am what is called is superlocal. I live in the neighborhood, I work in
the neighborhood, I serve the neighborhood, and ultimately, I don’t plan on
leaving the neighborhood. All of this
happens because I don’t get a lot of sleep (laughs).
Kevin: And before you
began pledging yourself to Shaw?
Alex: I was born in
the Bronx and grew up in Upper Manhattan.
I attended the Bronx School of Science, furthering my education at New
York University with a degree in journalism.
I then worked in the publishing industry in New York until I moved to
the D.C. Metropolitan area in 1994 and then to the 1500 block of 8th Street in
1997. I have been in Shaw with my
partner ever since.
Kevin: What exactly
is your role as commissioner of ANC 2C01?

Kevin: And what
happened when the property values rose due to the Convention Center’s
Alex: Many people,
who for a long time couldn’t find anyone interested in buying their properties commonly
got multiple offers over the asking price.
Many families cashed in on the opportunity to sell their homes for half
a million dollars or more, as is. In
many cases, they had paid less than $20,000 decades before. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. So, there was an exodus to the suburbs.
Kevin: What was
happening in Shaw at that time?
Alex: We had an
underperforming O Street Market housing a ragtag collection of vendors. Drugs were being dealt on every street
corner and openly inside the Market. Gang
members were shooting each other on the street regularly. Schools, libraries,
and recreation centers were crumbling. Retail
had disappeared. A lot of storefronts
were boarded up for decades. It was
bad. It was a blow to lose part of the
neighborhood’s institutional knowledge due to longtime residents selling their
homes. But with the new investment came
more residents who wanted to improve the neighborhood.
Kevin: So you were
elected at a time when Shaw needed some serious help.
Alex: When I was first
campaigning, knocking on everyone’s door, asking each future constituent what were
the three things they most wanted to see fixed, one major theme that kept
coming up was to ensure that affordable housing in the area was stabilized and
that Section 8 contracts were renewed so residents didn’t have to fear
displacement. We had to ensure tenant’s
right-to-purchase options were kept alive and protected.
Kevin: How successful
have you been regarding this battle?

Kevin: It seems like
you are, for lack of a better term, “super-invested” in Shaw. How did you get to be this passionate about
Alex: I stay passionate about Shaw because I
live here. My initial attraction in serving
the community was as a result of the establishment of the historic district.
Kevin: Would you mind
explaining that?
Alex: In 1999, the
Historic Preservation Review Board was going to approve two new historic districts
as part of the effort to preserve the neighborhoods around the Convention
Center: one for the area west of 9th
Street and north of the Convention Center and one east of 7th
Street. People to the west got upset.
Kevin: Why?
Alex: At the first ANC meeting I ever attended, there was a
battle-royal and lawsuits were threatened over the potential use of “Mount
Vernon West” for the western historic district’s name, rather than “Shaw.” Most people wanted to have the historic
district’s name match the neighborhood’s name.
But in some people’s minds, the name “Shaw” was too closely associated
with urban renewal and the riots and would have a negative impact on their
property values.
Kevin: Enter your
journalism skills?
Alex: Exactly. Using my journalism background, I did the
research and built the case as to why the new historic district should be
called “Shaw.” I helped organized
neighborhood stakeholder groups to support it and in 1999, the HPRB agreed that
it would be called “Shaw.”
Kevin: So it worked.

Kevin: What about the
Main Streets designation?
Alex: We applied for
and received a DC Main Streets designation for 7th and 9th
Streets in 2003, which has been a huge help in strengthening existing
businesses and attracting new ones. The
funding we have received from the District government has helped us attract 90
new businesses to central Shaw in the past nine years.
Kevin: What other improvements would you count as your major
Alex: I spent 10
years building our new library, making improvements in parks and schools,
including new skate and dog parks, have gotten most of the sidewalks in my SMD
repaired or replaced, have gotten hundreds of street signs that had been
bleached by the sun for decades and were unenforceable replaced, gotten major
development in the neighborhood kicked off and progressing rapidly, reduced
crime in the area, and got property tax relief for residents who own their
homes. And along the way, got
streetlights repaired more quickly, helped families of moderate income during the
holidays, cleaned up graffiti, found jobs for residents, helped kids get
backpacks for school, helped seniors get out of their homes to enjoy events at
the Verizon Center, and much more. But
one of the things I was the most excited to be able to accomplish was
re-treeing the neighborhood. There were
over 70 empty tree boxes in my single member district alone when I took
Kevin: And now?

Kevin: How have you been able to get things done?
Alex: Here’s an example: There was a great desire to have a
dog park in the area. We had proposed a
number of locations for the Department of Parks and Recreation to consider, but
they said “no” to all of them. We had Mayor
Fenty come out for a neighborhood walkthrough and the Mayor told his teams, “I
want this built in 90 days.” It was
finished in 72. I have had, and still
have, very good relationships with our Mayors, even though I did not support
some of them initially. Despite these
differences, we have still been able to work together. It’s not about the politics; it’s about
serving the people in the community. I
am speaking for a community that has expectations.
Kevin: What about
delivering the voice of Shaw?
Alex: I’m often
called upon by the media and the District government to speak for the community
because I’ve been fighting for it for so long.
I’ve made cogent arguments and framed the needs to demonstrate that the investments
are warranted, so I’ve been able to have Shaw’s voices be heard and its needs
Kevin: How do you
feel Shaw’s history plays into its future?
Alex: For much of
Shaw’s existence, the neighborhood was very vibrant. It had a very nice blend of residential and
commercial. It has always had fantastic
location and transportation access. Shaw
was also, at one point, one of the country’s centers of African American
intelligentsia and culture. For example,
before there was the Apollo Theater, there was the Howard Theater. Very soon, banners celebrating 11 prominent
historic figures will grace 7th and 9th Street, many of
them African American. We have the
Heritage Trail signs all around Shaw showcasing our heritage and building pride
in our history. But there are parts of
our history that we certainly would never want to see again, like the riots,
the drug wars, etc.
Kevin: Also, Shaw is
in a perfect location.
Absolutely. It’s easy to get here,
so it draws people here. 1968 dealt a
blow to that. The business owners who had insurance weren’t willing to risk
further destruction moved to the suburbs. In the 1960s and 1970s, there was a nationwide
trend towards moving retail out to the suburbs.
But businesses and residents are coming back. Now we have massive new mixed use development
in the neighborhood: City Market at O,
Progression Place, the Marriott Marquis and much more! It is a place that will continue to be a
source of pride, a place for families, a place for people who come to be
entertained, shop, dine, and everything else.
Kevin: What is Shaw
going to be like in 10 years?
Alex: Not even
ten! Four years and Shaw’s makeover will
be over. Parcel 42 and the JBG buildings
on the 700 and 800 blocks of Florida will all be done in four years. The redevelopment of Shaw Junior High School
is the last remaining major issue. We’ll
have a great mix of businesses filling the new and older retails spaces, more
new families in new housing, new streetscapes, a greener, cleaner, safer
neighborhood with higher employment and better schools. With everything that Shaw has to offer, in
the end, people want to be here because of its location. Our location is great. What’s even better, though, is the community
within the location.
Kevin: Alex, I
appreciate your time, being able to accommodate this interview, and I hope
after the next four years, you can start getting some more sleep (laughs).
Alex: Thank you,
Kevin. The interview is my pleasure. I look forward to catching up on sleep after a
number of years more service are complete.
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